From England to Ohio

From England to Ohio

Thursday 20 December 2007

Hello Friends of ours

Hello to all our loved ones-
Well what a year this has been. It is almost hard to believe it is almost over.
We were able to go home this year . We have been in England for two years now. Going home was wonderfull. It was hot and man did I go shopping! It is amazing how much variety we have in America. Here in England it has become quite cold and icy. The kids are ready for school to be out and enjoy some much needed family time.
So here goes the traditional end of the year family boasting......
Isaac (8 years old) is growing into a little man. He celebrated his 8th birthday on April 24th. He was baptised by his dad in Las Vegas in july. He loved going to see nana and papa for the summer. He was confirmed by his papa. Isaac stays very busy making origami and learning how the world and universe works though science. He is very attentive to his new little brother Liam, constantly wanting to hold him. He has been participating in the third grade chorus program at school.
Kaleb (6 years old) trys so hard to keep up with his big brother Isaac. The two boys are exactly the same size and everywhere we go people think they are twins. Kaleb did indoor soccer again this year and was incredible. We may have the next David Beckham on our hands. Kaleb is excelling in the first grade and loves to read. You can always find him with a ball of some sort in his hands. Even when we were in Las Vegas for the summer, no matter how hot it was outside Kaleb wanted to be out playing.
Sophia (3 years old....going on 25) is our little princess.....our devil princess. This little lady never lets up. She loves her babies.....especially Little Liam...she cant keep here hands of of him. She is constantly dancing around the house in her princess dress uncle mitchel bought here or her ballerina dress. We celebrated he 3rd birthday in Las Vegas and man did she get spoiled. She goes to British Nursery school three mornings a week and just loves it. She is even acquiring a little accent. She refers to mom as MUMMY!
Little Liam (3 1/2 months) Our newest family member brings much joy. Despite all the meds I received during pregnancy Liam was born not only very easily but very healthy. He is full of laughs and smiles. He is very well fed---the little fatty . At about 7 weeks old we discovered that Liam had a hemangioma on his nose. Basically it is a tumor of blood vessels. After many Dr. visits and test he is doing well. We get looks and comments but most people are sensitive. All three of the older kids are very protective of him. He is truly a miracle little man.
Dennis and Caitlin (11 and 8 Years old) Are still living in Logan Utah with thier mom. We were able to spend some time with them this summer. They enjoyed swimming and play with their brothers and sister. They are getting so big. Caitlin will be baptized after the first of the year and this will be Dennis last year in primary before he goes into young men...where does the time go.
Greg celebrated his big 3-0! He is loving living in England. Between work, gong to school full time, going to the states for a class, traveling to Norway for a week for work,helping so much with this kids and the house and being the best husband that I think exist he has been a busy man. He was only in Las Vegas with us for four weeks. He was able to see his parents and Dennis and Caitlin. Greg also stays busy with his church calling as the deacons quorum advisor and assistant scoutmaster
Me ( I am way too pretty to tell my age!) Basically for me this year has sucked....can I say that ! As much of a blessing that Liam is getting him here was a nightmare. From finding out I was pregnant in January to Liams delivery in September I was in the hospital over 20 times....those freaking kidney stones. I was release as primary president in August. Going from three kids to four kids has been quite an adjustment. Luckily my mom was able to be here for Liams birth and to help me adjust to being a mother of four...aaaagggghhhhh!
So there is just a bit about our family. We are very eger to start the year 2008. We miss all of our family and friends that are scattered every where. We hope you are all well and know of our love for you! May our Heavenly Father bless you!
All Our Love,
Greg, Eva, Dennis, Isaac, Caitlin, Kaleb, Sophia, and Little Liam Shultz
The Shultz Shipmates

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Watch out Ladies

Watch out Ladies
Isaac just keeps getting better and better looking everyday...and it's not just the ooks he has got going for his he is totally a smarty pants too!

Sitting Pretty

Sitting Pretty
Our pretty princess. She is growing into such a little lady

Check out that poser

Check out that poser
Then there is Kaleb....what was the Mary Poppins quote"Perfectly Practical in Everyway" We love us some Kaleb!

Handsome Fella

Handsome Fella
Our little liam is getting so big. He loves to pay and be with the big kids....he can really keep up .


Welsh for Wales

Carfilli Castle, Wales

Carfilli Castle, Wales

Me and my Daddy-O

Me and my Daddy-O
Gooffing around with my dad

Mamma"s Love

Mamma"s Love
I just can't get enough of my little Liam

Hot Mama

Hot Mama
Hanging out at Warwick Castle

Loving Liam

Loving Liam
Mummy and Liam sharing some love at Warwick Castle

Hello Friends

Hey Friends check out come of our new photos and infor over the past few months sorry I have been a looser with keeping this up. I will try to do better. We are are all doing well. Can you believe it is already April? Where does the time go. We have spring break next week and the kids are so excited. We are going to visit Stonhenge and Bath. We hopefully will get some good weather. We have over two inches of snow for easter...that was really odd. We are coming up on our 3 year anniversary for being here in England. Only one more year left....yahoooooo! I can't wait to be near a walmart and target and sonic! I am so deprived. Well we hope ya are all well! Have a great April!

Sir Gregory

Sir Gregory
Could there ..BE.. a more handsome bloke on the island


Englands Sexiest Mum

Cheeky Monkeys

Cheeky Monkeys

Hanging out with our mummy

Hanging out with our mummy
Let's see how many people it takes to break mummy's recliner

Shultz Shipmates

Shultz Shipmates